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Showing posts from 2009

Natural Relaxers, quote, unquote..

The Curlaway System (UPDATED 11/23/16) On September 2009, I did the unthinkable for a lot of  black women.....I BC'd. That's short-hand for "big-chop". If you are a part of the natural hair community, you know this term and have seen all over the place.  I cut all the permed locks from my head and have been on a mission to find some miracle product to make my hair more manageable. When I say manageable, I mean something that makes my hair look like I have a texturizer in it. I was looking high and low to find something to turn my type 4 hair into type 3 ringlets y'all!! I mean....I wanted it all, I wanted the  #LOOK without the chemicals, the glory without the guts. I wanted body, sheen, luster, soft bouncy ringlets, no tangles, and most of all, I WANTED THE LENGTH!! I have looked at many hair-blogs, websites, long hair forums, natural hair forums and so on and so on. Check out my chemical hair journey at . I have tried N...

Open for Business

This is my very first post. I don't really know what I'm going to talk about, I did have an idea in my head when I came up with this brilliant idea. That has since come and gone. I'm going to keep up with this for as long as I can!! Who knows? I just might get good at this!