We've all heard of the fantastic results that this treatment can yield. I have not actually had the pleasure of making this concoction on its own, however, I sort of made it via the max hydration method. I personally, did not reach max hydration and gave up. It was too time consuming, but that's another post for another season. With that being said, I published this post 5 years ago and am just now revisiting it, checking links, making sure the images appear, etc. I tried checking out soulistic87 on eHow.com but it seems this poster is no longer active on this site. In May of this year, 2015 that is, not the year 2000, I thought I was ready for a new hair journey. Microlocks, braidlocks, jennylocks (that's what I've been calling them), or whatever you want to call them. I took an entire week braiding my hair into these tiny braids, hoping it would deter me from taking them down in the near future. I was wrong, painfully wrong. I will now spend more time rem...
Just Be NATURAL You're WORTH IT--When a significant change occurs in your life, the affects can be seen and and felt in other areas of your life. Since returning to natural hair, I have gradually made changes in my skincare and healthcare routines as well as my cleaning products and now my diet. Just Be NATURAL...you're WORTH IT!