Rose water benefits your body in a number of ways. Everyone knows rose water is great for your face, but did you know that it can also be used as a mouthwash, eye wash, hair moisturizer, for flavoring drinks and food. The uses are numerous. The following is courtesy of "Numerous rose water benefits include antibacterial, soothing, healing and antiseptic properties. It is very rich in flavonoids and vitamins, including A, C, D, E and B3. That is why if taken in the form of a therapeutic tea, it can help to enrich our body with useful nutrients and minerals, as well as lower the risks of bladder infections and heart disease, relieve digestive problems and nervous tension, relieve eye irritation and dental pains caused by paradontosis, and so on. But mainly, rose water benefits are used to treat skin infections and this natural product is an important agent for many skin care techniques. It has excellent soothing effects, can improve the condition of dry ...