1/2 c shea butter
1/4 c cocoa butter
1/3 c oils
2 tbs aloe vera gel
1 tbs glycerin
10 drops essential oils
10 drops tea tree oil (preservative)
1/3 c oils
2 tbs aloe vera gel
1 tbs glycerin
10 drops essential oils
10 drops tea tree oil (preservative)
Hand mixer
1.Soften butters by putting them in the microwave for a few seconds. You do not want them to be totally liquid, just soft enough so you can blend them well. Mix for 15-20 minutes, so that its fluffy.If it becomes too liquid, just put the mixture in the freezer for 5 minutes and alternate mixing and freezing until you have mixed for a total of 15-20 minutes.
2. Add the aloe vera gel and glycerin, mix for 5 minutes.
3. Last but not least, add the essential oil of your choice and your preservative. Mix for another 5 minutes. The preservative may be optional, but it is important if you will be using with wet hands. Transferring water to your butter when styling wet hair may cause mold to grow.
This is my finished product. It took me like 2 hours because I did not have my hand mixer. I used a PLASTIC whisk. It was terrible, my arms were soooo tired. The hand mixer is muy importante!